Tuesday, April 14, 2009


current soundtrack: all about loving you-bon jovi
jon bon jovi is a sexy old man. i see my dream husband material in him. :)

i've always been a subject of accusations. when there's a mistake, even when i'm innocent, i'm gonna be the person to be pointed fingers at. sometimes i find this very amusing! like today at school, pn. rina told me to finish the permata job that she 'gave me in her thumbdrive yesterday'. i was concentrating on my karangan, shocked and i said, huh, mane ade cikgu bagi saya. then she said, ohhh kamu jangan cakap tak, saya dah bagi kan semalam. then syazana who was sitting beside me suddenly interupt, cikgu bagi kat saya kan? damn son. farhana was like, kesian farah ohh, selalu kena tuduh. i know, what an unfortunate child i am. totally need a plastic surgery to change this "guilty" face into a more "innocent" face.

so into anne frank stuff lately. she lived such a short life. but she left a big impression on many people even after she died at the age of 13, fulfilling her dream to still continue on 'living' even after she's gone. i'm 17 and i've not yet accomplished many of my life goals. now i'm inspiried to start my own diary/journal. i'll start off by writing letters for my loved ones for them to read after i'm gone. just in case i'm fated to leave this world at early age :) we all have to prepare in some ways rite? okay, dah stop bersedih rakan-rakan. this is just a thought, they come ever so randomly.

hoping can be the only thing worth doing when everything else fail.
but hoping for something uncertain will only make one look stupid.


Amer 'Arif said...

muka budak naive memang la slalu kena accuse :P

farah abbas said...

muka budak virgin mmg nak kena tumbuk :)