Thursday, August 13, 2009


song of the mo' :

i wanna love you forever - Jessica Simpson

i'm now in the middle of reading Jodi Picoult's vanishing acts. apart from that, i tried reading Stephenie Meyer's the host. but i gotta say, its not her best piece so far. its too early to tell really cause i haven't finish reading yet. exams! pfftt.

my book-shopping list:

1. harry potter and the chamber of secrets

2. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban

3. harry potter and the goblet of fire

4. harry potter and the half blood prince

5. harry potter and the deathly hallows

6. the tales of beedle the bart

7. the magician's nephew

8. the lion, the witch and the wardrobe

9. the horse and his boy

10. prince caspian

11. the voyage of the dawn treader

12. the silver chair

13. the last battle

and all Jodi Picoult's and Cecelia Ahern's books. after i'm finished with all these, i'm gonna start reading lord of the rings. oh god, i hope it doesnt bore me to death. i'm so not into hobbits and creepy old man with excessive facial hair. i'm more like a vampire-werewolf person (cehhh), but i'll try.

if u're asking about my future plans, this is all i got. really.

screw the future people!
love ya'll.


Amer 'Arif said...

I ada half-blood prince dgn deathly hallows.
Nak pinjam?

farah abbas said...

eh, i rasa i ada la deathly hallows. x igt. boleh gaaaak! but i baru book 1 skrg :(

Ninasyazana said...

Farah! Awk suke Jodi Picoult gak?? hehehe... kte bnyk buku dia. nak pinjam? and narnia pun kte ada... :P tapi after trials, ek. nanti mampus kene ngn parents awk if results x bagus sbb asyik baca storybook :P