Saturday, July 5, 2008

i dont feel the love anymore

report card day went well today, i'm glad
apparently, me failing bio n addmaths is not a big deal for my parents
luckily, pn. rina who is substituting my class teacher didnt say anything bad bout me to my parents
ini kerana saya pandai membodek cikgu
lalalalaaa :DDDD
theres nothing to tell anyway, coz i'm a good kid n i behave well i class

went a date with saiful
lol, date lah sgt
it was a last minute planning actually, but we had fun
dpt lah teman die jalan2, drpd biar die jalan kat kl SORG2 [like he always do if he gets bored]
how pathetic, i know
we watched HANCOCK!
agak best, agak sedih, agak romantic, not so satisfying ending
i should hav watched the incredible hulk
but since saiful is going back to school 2moro, i let him chose the movie
his new hair suits him well
my dad also noticed he looks diff
very handsome boyyy!

did some heavy chores when i got back
juz to get my mind off things
i feel like the love is not in the air anymore
i've been treating ppl coldly n for grantedly
i noticed, but cant do much bout it
as i as well, am not sure why i am behaving like this
maybe because theres too much going on in my life
my mind cant digest 'em all
it may look like nothing's wrong with me physically
but mentally n emotionally i am sick n tired
so, to whom that i hav been treating unfairly, i'm sorry
i dun need u to understand, all i need is some space n time to get hold of everything

service dkt sri melur dh teruk
somebody please do sumthing



sharinna. said...

eeeee, keluar dgn saiful tk ajak kiteeeeeeeeeee.

farah abbas said...

xyah ar kacau org dating