Friday, October 31, 2008

dear readers

pleaseeee leave atleast one comment after reading :)
or or, leave a message at the cbox.
its killing me to see the cboz is empty.
penat2 bwat cbox coz nk meggayakan blog.
hahaha, sounds desperate. i am.
love yaaaaaaaa!


i'm writing bout surprises today as u can see the title of this entry. this year, my family has held like almost 3 birthday surprises for some of our family members. tonite, just a few hours ago, i went to mama miah's house to surprise her. its her 59th bday today, 1st november 2008. for some of u who dont know, mama miah is my grand aunt (nenek's sister). and i know her name is like the mama mia musical movie. comel je. lagi best shar panggil husband die papa miah. LOL. better than papa piah. lagi awkward. :P

first surprise was for aunty liz. we attack her house at the middle of the night while she was asleep in her baju kaftan. till today when we talked bout surprises, she always ungkit coz when we came to surprise her, she didnt wear her 'undergarments'. haha. u know what i mean.

2nd is papa, mama miah's hubbie. that was when we went to port dickson just to surprise him. he didnt have any clue on what we were doing. lucky for him at that time he was wearing a proper outfit. lol. the trip was funnnnn n we ate barbecue n all. sadly its a one nite trip. well, i cant complain much because it was a full paid trip. ngeeee.

by now i should be a pro when it comes to planning surprises. rule number one, the target MUST NOT know bout the plan. hahaha. duhhh! i suck at being the target coz i'll ALWAYS know. so jangan pandai2 nk bwat surprise utk saye k shar n fana? hahahaha. kidding2. hope today was the last surprise coz to be honest i'm getting bored sneaking n trying hard to keep my mouth shut while doing surprises. bosan dahhhh.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

bisexual you, haha!

good news: i won 3rd place in the pertandingan menganyam ketupat (single) and 1st place for pertandingan meneka kuih raya (group). now i'm so proud with myself until i feel like i can fly out the window. korang bleh ke? LOL.

bad news: i'll not be working at baskin robins tomorrow. :( my freaking parents (mostly my freaking mum) wont let me work, EVER! no wonder i'm a spoilt brat. grrrr. i'm big enough to find a decent job for myself rite? but they dont think that way. they feel like i'm too small (maybe because of my height, lol) to be working. they even asked me whether the money that they've given is not enough that makes me want to earn more on my own. watafuck? ofcoz they're not enough! hahaha. money is never enough! didnt anyone ever tell her that? but its not the money i'm going for but its the experience. priceless! plus, farhana said that whoever turn down the job at baskin for 31st is the stupid-est human ever. so now i am one thanks to my brilliant parents!

luahan hati: abah, i am nothing like jaja. me n jaja is like the sky n the earth (bagaikan langit dan bumi?) how can u compare me with her? n yes, i do feel like i'm a better childn person than her. wayyyyyy better if u ask me. n i am not n never will turn out even an inch like her. okay? just because i came home late doesnt mean that i'm turning into a kafir or anything. so chill coz girls just wanna hav fun :D

sajesaje: yesterday, a friend of mine who is 23/24 years old invited me to go swimming at his apartment. watafuck kan? ofcourse i told him (nicely) i cant go because it is too weird n soooo not appropriate for a girl to follow a guy home. gatal siot lelaki2 zaman skrg. tension.

i want to take this opportunity to wish my baby buchuk fana n sue sue basi ;P
good luck for tomorrow


how does it feel when all the hopes n burdens is placed on your shoulders? the pressure to succeed in academics n whatever shit is all being piled up on your back n u cant even voice out your own choice to lead your own life? its just tiring n frustrating n making me feel like giving up! i dont know how many times i've said this but i never got tired of it. when i stop n take a look at my life, i felt like i'm missing a lot in life. i'd rather be a stupid bimbo bitch than being a smart brainiac who is depressed all the time. people say i should stop thinking n just live my fucking pathetic life while i still can. but honestly, i cant do that. not that i wouldnt, but i just cant. there's too many people putting their hopes on me. until sometimes i feel like its not my dream i'm pursuing, but theirs. at times i do need a little push but not a constant one that pushed me too hard till i reached the edge. sooner or later believe me, no matter how strong i am, i will fall n break to pieces. n when that happens, it will all look bad on me, not them. as perfect as i look, i'm all thorn up inside. eeeeeee! okay la, i'll stop whining about my life. cause i'm freaking super duper happy rite now. i got a call from some guy telling me that

i'm so proud of myself

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


hows my new layout? nice aite? haha. if u dun like it, then too bad :)

it gives me plessure to know that you're under my spell

lately i feel so stress. i have this feeling like i'm becoming ugly n fat. acne's are popping up from my skin n i feel disgust to look at my own friggin face in the mirror every day. maybe its the hormones imbalance or its that time of month. whatever it is, i hope i'll pass this phase n move on to the next.

is it okay to be ugly n fat? sometimes i feel like being ugly n fat is a crime. most of the ugly people or fat people or the combo of these two get tease for their physical lack in beauty. no matter how nice or sweet or kind or intelligent they are, people always put them in the situation that can make them feel low. like they are the lower class of humans, the unwanted. people shouldn't do that. coz depressed people can turn into crazy or shall i say, mentally ill people. theres enough crazy people out there roaming this world, no need to add more. i dun want my next door neighbour turn out to be a serial killer or whatever. whatever u do, just remember that everything in this world happens like a chain reaction. things u do today will effect your own tomorrow. (so lame)

anywho. i just learn that if u like/love someone, u have to show it. give him/her signs or else he/she wouldnt know. or if u are brave, just tell that person in the face that u like him/her. how will he/she ever gonna know the real thing if u just keep it to yourself n refuse to make any move? its not her fault if he/she ended up turning to other guy/girl. and when that day comes, it'll be too little too late to be sorry.

Monday, October 27, 2008


watched high school musical 3: senior year
last day of exam
job hunting
total: FUN

i look simply weird!

seventeen's cover girl n summer hunk 2009

Saturday, October 25, 2008

sekarang baru nk letak gambar raya la?

i'm gonna let the pictures tell u the story of my raya
very simple but fantastic raya
except for the duit raya :)

hidayah, sabrina, afiq. on the first day of raya. semua baju nk kaler same je. cewahh

kasut raya yg dicari hingga ke melaka. hebattt. barney-ish

bombshell n her fav rockstar-to-be cousin. geeheeee.
sape ckp muke budak tu mcm hisyam siap! lol, x pasal2
*no offence hisyam*
note: 1st baju raya

cam whore-ing.
note: 2nd baju raya

budak bajet n bombshell. rakan cam whore-ing. he's bitchy, seriously.
note: 3rd baju raya

tiramisu n strawberry cheesecake. i swear sime darby throw the best openhouse everrrr.
since my mum work with sime darby, every year we'll go to their convention centre to attend their openhouse. the foods there is out of this world!

blame her for my two big twinnies. HAHA.

mouth watering! to all the jakuns, this is what we call kek rebus.
n yeah, it's boiled to cook.

sara (fav 2nd cousin) n sabrina

i look like i'm their mum. heee.

on the last day of puasa, my pak uda made satay for the family. gle gempak coz i'm one of the tukang kipas. panas mcm pg sauna.

look what i discover otw to malacca. what is putat anyway? sounds like pusat. as in the one on your belly.

second discovery for the day. what's with the people nowdays? want cheap publisity? cehhh.
thats all the pic i have for my raya.
cause after raya was my end year exam
so not cool rite?
hope your raya rocked too!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

this is a porno, do not read

10 things u dont need to know bout me but are very weird n interesting enough that u just might want to know:

  1. i enjoy watching boring but meaningful movies. example: pride and prejudice, etc.

  2. sometimes i tend to read books/magazines backwards. starting from the last page to the front. i didnt realise this until recently.

  3. i like to shower late at night. the later the better.

  4. i avoid wearing black shirts to sleep because i will have trouble sleeping if i do.

  5. i hate being in the dark. i sleep with the door slightly open. n sometimes, on special occasion [when i get too scared after watching ghost movies or when i feel a weird presence] i'll sleep with the light on.

  6. i always write with the paper/book turned 90 degrees facing west.

  7. i'm addicted to caffeine. i'm like stitch in lilo n stitch. coffee makes me hyper.

  8. i love doing house chores that involves water n washing. like washing the dishes, clothes, shoes. i love to get wet :)

  9. i loveeeeeeeee to eat mushrooms. any type, u name it n i'll eat it.

  10. its hard for me to get really3 mad. but when i do, i'll automatically cry. its very frustrating when u have your tear duct hardwired wrongly like this.

i want to know weird things bout u too! post it in ur blog n i promise i'll read it. n better, i'll leave comments. ;)

Monday, October 6, 2008

dont bother

first day of the week is always the hardest rite? i got the monday blues. so school was quite boring. no input at all! okay lah, adela sikit but what can u get by sleeping in all the classes? hehe. thats not the only reason why i got the monday blues today. there's definitely, obviously other reasons.

first, last nite shar texted me n told me that she'll not be coming to school. that time dah rosak mood sikit. nvm, still bleh tahan. mengenangkan farhana keseorangan, i gagahkan diri ke sekolah. end up x lepak pun ngan die. hehe.

second, i was kinda pissed with one of my bestie. u see, besides farhana n sharinna, i got 3 other besties that i've known for quite sometimes. i never wrote bout them in my blog before, but i love them as much as i love my other besties. for this entry, i will not write their names here because i wanna keep them anonymous. for now.

moving on. u must be wondering why i'm pissed with one of them rite? well, not really pissed, just unhappy n a little bit frustrated with her. yes, its a her. before the school holidays started, i heard that she's seeing this one particular guy. with me being very open minded and all, i dun mind at all. if u know me very well, i wont make a big fuss if any of my friends wanna go out with any of my ex-es. seriously, i dont mind at all. in this case, this guy recently liked another girl. then suddenlyyyy, he flirted with my bestie n started seeing her. my opinion, guys who move on that fast means that either he's desperate or just wanna play around. this is a basic thing every girl should know.

today, i came to school quite early. so i went straight up to the girls toilet. thats when i saw this two lovebirds dating there. then during recess, this friend of mine disappeared before i could get my ass downstairs to see her. so, me n my other besties went for recess without her. then, when the last bell rang, i went downstairs only to see her waiting in front of the stairs waiting for someone. hahhh, sape lagiiii. so i gave her my killer look and walk away. hahaha, saje nk blagak emo tapi x emo pun. then when i was talking to farhana outside of the school, the guy came to me n asked whether i'm mad at my friend or not. i was likeeee, that is soooo non of your business. i really3 dont understand why the heck he came to me n asked that question when he knows that i'm not mad at him at all. i mean, why would i wanna be mad at him? is he trying to apologize on behalf of my friend? haha, sungguh kelakar.

this evening my friend called me a few times but i didnt pick up. not because i didnt want to talk to her, but i was snoozing off downstairs n i didnt hear my phone rang. then she sent me a very long text msg saying that she's sorry and all. hahaha. i'll give her more time before i'll talk to her again. the thing that bugs me is, she never told us anything about this guy. nothing at all! not a single dirt. n suddenly out of nowhere, her n this guy 'couple' without asking for our blessings. wtf? blessings? yeah, its kinda like a thing we do before we can 'couple' with a guy. it wont bother me that much if the guy is from other school of anything. the prob is, she's been seeing this guy right in front of our eyes n still wanna be secretive bout it? n the lamest reason that she gave me is that she didnt want to tell us because the guy wanna keep the relationship a hush hush. haihh, dah la rampas gf aku, nk sorok2 pulak.

people do change huh? one advise to all u guys out there. when u wanna win a girls heart, u must first win their friends' heart. then only u can get the green lights. at least that's what i think. i dunno bout other people. for me, if u cant win my friends' heart first, its gonna be a not so easy relationship. why? because u'll be seeing my friends a lot. how are u gonna face them when u cant even get along with them? okay, x kisah la. we'll see whats gonna happen.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


i went to 2 openhouse today. 1st is sharinna's. well, its not exactly a openhouse. just a small gathering. dapat duit raya babe! hehehe. makan soto n usha kebun bapanya. very the semangat her dad tanam all the sayur. kangkung, kacang buncis, cili, kubis, sayur cina ape tah n many more! so my parents pun mula la bersemangat waja nk do the same thing. haaaa, then mula la sesi menderma sayur dan biji benih dan juga sesi bertukar cara2 menyemai pokok. me n sharinna was like, uhh duhh. haha. i like gardening but xdela sampai obses or watever. moving on...

after the openhouse, i stayed at sharinna's house for awhile. helping her find the hotel for her class trip to pangkor. after calling2 we memetik kacang buncis because my mum is totally interested in the kacang buncis at shar's house. then saiful came for awhile. he came all the way from usj 9 walking just to give me a present. i dunno for what occasion since my bday is still a few months away. he likes to waste his money on me. byk la ko nye berjimat.

around 8.20 pm me n shar bertolak to haiqal's openhouse. we reached there almost 9.00 pm due to some miscommunication with my father. we got lost on the way there. haha. bodoh gak aku ni nk pg rumah haiqal pun sesat. i owe him one because last year he came to my oh-so-grand openhouse yg siap berkhemah lagi mcm ade org kawin. sampai2 je mak die sambut kat depan rumah. "looking good yeah!", she said to me. i was blushing like hell. then i salam with his dad n i said the lamest thing. "hye uncle! igt saya lagi takk?" sambil tersenyum2. after saying that i felt like flushing my head down the toilet bowl. actually i meant to ask him whether he still remember me from haiqal's rugby game. the one that i went to watch n memberi semangat n usha-ing half naked boys. lol.

back to the main story. ate soto again at his house. damnn, whats with soto n openhouse?! haha, lawak. then jumpa mel n aizat. din @ jamboo xde. mel nmpk comel in person. hehe, very gayish. thennnnn, drama started when i need to use the toilet. HAHA. i won't write bout that here. around 10.00 pm abah fetch us home. n now i'm writing this blog for u to read. hehe.

i got bitten by my bro's hamster for the 2nd time. n goddddd, there was so much blood! kalah kucing aku gigit! gle fucked up punye hamster. actually i was trying to take him out of the cage because i want to change his woodshavings. i dunno what's got into him n he suddenly bit me. yesterday he bit me but today was worst. now hamster's germ is running through my veins. LOL.

why i feel like i hate everyone in this world? if anyone is unhappy with me, please step forward and tell it to my face like a real man. man with BALLS.