harry potter has lost its magic. it's becoming more and more boring each time. i watched it with diha, saiful, amer and ikhwa yesterday at sunway (where else!). it was the longest 3 hours of my life. i've never before watched a movie that made me so restless until i felt the strong urge to walk out of the cinema halfway through the movie. harry potter and the half blood prince was the first.
that is how uninteresting the movie is. no kidding. but i still love the movie anyway. i will definitely watched the next movie which is if i'm not mistaken Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. have any idea when it will be premiered?
my life have been really hectic in the past weeks. magazine stuff and studies and personal life, things that kept me occupied and caused me to have sleepless nights. what can i say, i'm a workaholic! i realized that i have no idea how to be a magazine editor, there's so much thing to do and more things to learn. ITS DAMN HARD :( at times i feel plain stupid and lost.
here are the pictures from yesterday's late lunch at kenny rogers:
bestfriend yang emo.
amer belanja :)
life is sweet.
Buruk gile gamba i!
buang buang!
Amer kalau belanja aku selalu merungut...
awwhhh, i know hp bosan. but at times ade gak yang funny. lol
mane gmbr awk yang comel? letak laa.
muka saiful dlm gmbr tu nmpk gila muka risau. ape cer la.
amer comel la. nanti leh la masuk club i ngn farah, used to be brace face. ahaha
ikhwa makan spaghetti ngn tangan! goshh
best friend yg emo?
how pleasant...
aku mkn ayam and mac and cheese la gune tgn.
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