Friday, May 8, 2009

buy me a dream catcher!

have u ever experienced having really really weird dreams? i get them a lot lately. like a few nights back, i dreamt of my late granduncle whom passed away recently. i dreamt about him twice this week! its not weird or anything, but it's just sad for me 'cause i do miss him terribly.

and yesterday, i dreamt of a guy friend of mine. in my dream, he n his family visited my family at our house. and we were like very close and like both families agreed to make me marry him although we're not really in love with each other, in real life atleast. i tell ya, nothing is scarier than having to marry someone u don't truly love. so cliche!

the thing is about these dreams is that i don't know where they come from! my mind was clear from any thoughts before i went to bed, but suddenly i have these weird and unexplained random dreams. my subconscious mind is really driving me nuts these days. or maybe somebody should fire mr. sandman for giving me such horrible dreams! get it??? mr. sandman??? am i the only one who's laughing????

oh well, stop and drop the topic. good news alert! Milo just gave birth to 3 cute, fat, fluffy and smelly little furballs. by furballs i mean kittens, not the real furball that cats usually cough out. hahaha, imagine milo give birth to furballs. "PLOOOP! arghh, is this what i get after making out with that persian cat?!" okay, so lame.

anyway, they're so beautiful i just wanna eat them alive! guess what their names are?

rock (boy)
stone (boy)
pebbles (girl)
very cool names, aite? i'm so genius i amaze myself. harharhar. pictures will come soon enough. my camera cable is with john, i'll upload their pictures when i get it back.
later, blogworms! <3

1 comment:

Saiful Sufri said...

this dream sounds familiar.
i wonder why..